Tokens Glossary
The complete list of MaxConv dynamic tracking tokens with description.
Token | Description |
{mc_click_id} | MaxConv click ID value |
{external_id} | External Click ID, which is assigned by traffic source |
{fbp} | The Facebook browser ID value, exclusive to Facebook ads |
{payout} | Offer payout value |
{payout_currency} | Offer payout currency code |
{payout_usd} | Offer payout value in USD |
{payout:x%} | The payout value modified by a certain percentage, where x is the percentage value, for example - {payout:80%} |
{payout:a-b%} | The payout value modified by a random percentage, where a is the minimum value and b is the maximum value, for example - {payout:60-90%} |
{transaction_id} | Transaction ID passed passed by txid parameter in posback URL |
{traffic_source_id} | Traffic Source ID value |
{traffic_source_name} | Traffic Source Name |
{campaign_id} | Campaign ID value |
{campaign_name} | Campaign name |
{campaign_full_name} | Campaign full name with country and traffic source name |
{lander_id} | Lander ID value |
{lander_name} | Lander name |
{lander_url} | Lander URL |
{offer_id} | Offer ID value |
{offer_name} | Offer Name |
{random:x} | The generated string will consist of uppercase and lowercase letters, as well as numbers. The length of the string will be determined by the value of x , which can range from 1 to 99. For instance, {random:9} will produce a random string such as abcRST123 . |
{random_number:x} | Generate a random string of numbers with a length of up to 99. For example, {random_number:6} will produce a random string like 123456 . |
{random_string:x} | Generate a random string consisting of lowercase letters and numbers. The length of the string will be determined by the value of x , which can range from 1 to 99. For instance, {random_string:6} will produce a random string such as abc123 . |
{device_vendor} | Device vendor |
{device_model} | Device Model |
{browser_name} | Browser Name |
{browser_version} | Browser Version |
{os_name} | Operating system name |
{os_version} | Operating system version |
{ip} | Visitor IP address |
{user_agent} | Visitor user agent |
{country} | Visitor's country code(2-letter) |
{country_name} | Visitor's country name |
{region} | Visitor's Region, or State |
{city} | Visitor's City |
{isp} | Visitor's ISP(Internet service provider) |
{postal_code} | Visitor's Postal Code |
{lang} | Language |
{track_domain} | Domain name of tracking link |
{t1} | Tokens that matched with traffic source from {t1} to {t20} |
{t1:HASH} | Hashed traffic source tokens value, {t1:HASH} to {t20:HASH} |
{ct1} | Campaign tokens from {ct1} to {ct5} |
{ct1:HASH} | Hashed campaign source tokens value, {ct1:HASH} to {ct5:HASH} |
{lp_key} | The calculated key for lander, used for anti-spy |
{conv_event} | The custom conversion event value passed by event parameter in posback URL |
{conv_timestamp} | Converting timestamp, will be the S2S postback timestamp or the visit timestamp, depending on the affiliate network settings. |
{postback_timestamp} | The request timestamp of MaxConv S2S conversion tracking URL ( ). |
{user_id} | Value passed by user_id parameter in posback URL |
{user_first_name} | Value passed by user_first_name parameter in posback URL |
{user_last_name} | Value passed by user_last_name parameter in posback URL |
{user_email} | Value passed by user_email parameter in posback URL |
{user_phone} | Value passed by user_phone parameter in posback URL |
{user_gender} | Value passed by user_gender parameter in posback URL |
{user_birth} | Value passed by user_birth parameter in posback URL |
{conv_param_1} | Additional postback parameter from {conv_param_1} to {conv_param_5} |